Nutri Food Wise

We offer one to one consultation on Nutri & food.

Everyone knows about healthy eating (vegetables, fruits, wholegrain and fibre) but it is absolutely vital that you get to know your body and find out what type of food best for you.

The most important thing is to make sure that you are eating the right things to maintain your good health and suit your lifestyle. Also, we help you to focus on the foods that you can have as opposed to those that you can't eat.

We will help you:

  • Find the types of food that will help you to maintain good health and that work for your lifestyle
  • Create recipes that are suitable for you
  • Also we work with Sport Trainers to provide you with personal exrecise that fit with you and your lifestyle
  • Please do not hesitate to call for more information or appointment
  • We offer Video call by request

Tel: 07957167318 or Email:

Please for an appointment fill in the following form:

Appointment date and time:
Name :
Age :
Gender :
Height :
Weight :
Email Address :
Contact Number :

One Week Food Diary

Mon :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
Excersice :
If yes How many times a week?
Any Medical Problem?
If yes please
Name of Illness :
Name of Medications :
Are you taking any Vitamins please name them?
Food dislikes name them :
Food Allergy please named them :
Do you know your vitamin D or Iron and B levels?
If yes please write the result :
Do you Suffer from THYRIOD problem
If yes:
Stress Level:
Blood Pressure:
What are you expectaions from consultation?